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Know Him

  • If you really want to do something outstanding in life you must join defense services.
  • My job gives me 100% job satisfaction 24*7.
  • If I come back alive accomplishing this mission (last mission) I’ll definitely achieve the rank of Army General.

  • Once you wear an army uniform you must receive medal either alive or posthumously.
  • Accept my posthumous award like a mother of a Captain.
  • When you experience hunger you will start respecting food.
  • A bullet carved with my name must have been prepared in an ordinance factory somewhere in world.
  • Promise me that you will never cry. You are a captain's mother and you should never cry.
  • We cannot live without the blessings of god even for a fraction of a second.

Letters Written to Parents

Letter written on 25th Birthday

Letter to Parent Letter to Parent on 25th Birthday

Know Little Vinu

"You will learn about true India when you visit the villages and villagers in India and enjoy food with them."

Football was his love.

He loved to solve the complex Math problems.

He was fond of reading speeches by Vivekanand, Napoleon and Churchill.

Biography of his hero,Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was on his tip of tongue.

Swami Vivekanand and Veer Savarkar were his role models.

He saved his pocket money to purchase biographies of these great people.